
What If We Put More Strength Into Loving As We Do Into Fighting?

This happens to be one of my favorite quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I absolutely love quotes because sometimes they say they words that I couldn't think of myself. In the title of the post, the word "fighting" is included. I want to first explain what I mean by fighting. When I say fighting, it does not just mean physical, it could be as simple as arguing. After all an argument usually comes before a fight, but a disagreement usually comes before an argument.  I find that most times people find it hard to distinguish the words disagreement and argument. Just because you disagree with someone does not mean that you are arguing or even that you have to argue. Over the past two months, I started thinking about how different things would be if we just accepted each other for who we are. We have started to become a society where people cannot have an opinion without someone saying something negative about it (thank God for blogs right?) lol. I started to wonder...

Let Your Loneliness Lead You To Greatness

At some point in time, we have all experienced a feeling of loneliness. For some, loneliness can be too much to bear. When we become lonely we start to replay memories of the past and we start to feel sad. Sometimes loneliness can also lead to depression. This post is not just for those who have experienced or witnessed domestic violence, this post is for everyone. I wrote this post to encourage you because I too have experienced loneliness, but I believe that we can use our feelings of loneliness to lead us to greatness. Look at this quote below by Mr. Yousuf Karsh. I believe what He says is so true. I believe that God uses loneliness to get us closer to Him, He uses loneliness to speak to us. Sometimes you need to be alone in order to think clearly. I know for me personally, I have prefer to be alone when I am working. It gives me time to focus and to relax. How can you fully create in a environment full of noise?       I would like to share ...

Real Love Makes You Better, Not Worse.

Yesterday, I was really thinking about some things, especially when it comes to relationships.I was thinking about how some relationships that we enter really bring us down and what we thought was love was really lust. Below is a tweet that I tweeted from my organizations account yesterday. Real love will make you better not worse — F.A.C.E. I.T. (@FACEITORG) January 1, 2014 You see, sometimes we just enter relationships that we were never meant to be in, but they also teach us a lesson. If ever you get into a relationship where you are constantly losing out on who you are then that is not the relationship for me. I find most times though that there was already some sort of insecurity that we already had that opened us to wanting to be in that particular relationship. It is important that we come to learn what true love really is. It is so easy for someone to throw the love word around without putting any meaning to it. Love is a verb, not just an emotion. Love is not just som...

No Excuse For Abuse

Before I get started on the subject for today's blog, I first want to thank all of my readers. You all are my inspiration. Thank you for always reading, commenting, and sharing. I believe that it is because of you that this blog was chosen and listed as one of the  Top 101 domestic violence resources on Social Work Degree.Net . I cannot tell you how much that meant to me especially to be among the top domestic violence organizations and sites that even I look up too. I haven't written in a while so I did want to update you on that and again to say thank you. Now, for the subject of today's post. I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately and it was really on my heart this morning. It is amazing to me how many excuses that I hear and read when it comes to the subject of domestic violence. So many times I read and hear that women and/or men deserved to be hit. Although we should not provoke one another to anger, violence is simply NOT the answer. Just because ...

A New Me Foundation, Inc. Hosts “Real Talk” Forum Fundraiser to Assist Victims of Domestic Violence

Grassroots non-for-profit, A New Me Foundation, Inc. seeks to empower women with a real talk forum hosted by Comedienne Buff Bay during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. CHICAGO, September 23,2013--A New Me Foundation, Inc. presents "Real Talk Relationship Forum" hosted by Comedienne Rashida "Buff Bay" Lucas. Comedienne "Buff Bay" has been seen on Divorce Court, R & B Divas of Atlanta, Jokes n Notes, and the Laugh Factory. The forum is Saturday October 26, 2013 from 8:00pm-11:00pm at the Epic Luxury Boutique Chicago, IL. The forum serves as a fundraiser for A New Me Foundation, Inc. to continue to provide FREE services to victims, survivors, and their families who are affected by domestic violence. The event will include raffle prizes, refreshments, cocktails, and entertainment. A New Me Foundation invites everyone to come for an opportunity to enjoy an atmosphere of fun and empowerment. A New Me Foundation, Inc. will host this forum during th...

Domestic Violence and Alcohol (Guest Post)

Hello Readers and Fellow Advocates, Today, I have another Guest Post. I am excited about this one and this is a topic that is dear to me but that I have not written about here.  Melissa actually takes a turn with this one because she is not talking about the batterers and alcoholism but rather how the person that is being abused uses alcoholism as a coping mechanism. This guest post comes from Mrs. Melissa Kluska. Here is a little about Melissa: Melissa currently writes for organizations such as St Jude Retreats, an alternative solution to traditional alcohol and drug rehab. As well as writing for St. Jude’s, Melissa also enjoys writing pieces that will help others on topics like health and relationships. 2 million. The amount of injuries associated with domestic violence each year, and 84% of these domestic violence victims are women . [1] Some victims of domestic abuse have stayed in an abusive relationship for years while others have been close ...

February Is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

In honor of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, I am giving the Kindle edition of my book " Because He Said He Loved Me: A short story about teen dating violence " away for free today. The reason being is because there is a message in this story that I want to get out to teens and there is even a message for adults. The teen years are the most prevalent years, it is when teens first start dating. For most teens, this is the time when they first experience feelings of love, when they first feel that they are cared for by the opposite sex. These are also some of the hardest times for teens. Teens experience so many changes and it when it comes to relationships a lot of what they experience will be new to them and they may think it is normal. Here are some statistics on Teen Dating Violence Via Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner in a single year. One in three adolescents in the U.S. is ...