Angels Will Soar ( A Music Video Spreading Awareness About Domestic Violence)
I am honored to be able to share this video made by Terry Josiah . Anything that I can do to raise awareness of Domestic Violence, I will do it. Thank you to all who read my blog and all work to spread awareness about this very important subject. We are all end this together. -Nicole C. Lofton This song is for anyone who has ever been affected by Domestic Violence and its purpose is to raise awareness on this growing epidemic. If you have been affected or know someone who has - share your story with us by hash-tagging #AngelsWillSoar - you'll be amazed at the support you receive. A portion of the proceeds will be used to directly help survivors through the non profit organization Break The Silence Against Domestic Violence. We are here to start changing the world - one song at a time. Enjoy your new shirts and bracelets and remember; it's not about whether you have the money to buy a shirt or not, it's about having your money stand for something greater than ...